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hi. i'm little sys.
nice “internet” you’ve got here. hope you don’t mind if i interrupt your little meow wolf website. i'm not from around here. i deal in information, and i’m here with some information for you, fresh from the techstream. yeah, the techstream, that’s the “cosmic internet of the multiverse” to you earthers. there’s been a righteous hack in the very fabric of reality, an aberration in ones and zeroes. if you look hard, you might see it: a digital portal, churning up data and spitting it out all over the multiverse. anything can get through. anyone. keep your eyes open.
your “internet” has some nice stuff on it. don’t mind if i nick a few of your “animated graphic interchange formats” to take back with me to the techstream. see you soon. hack the multiverse!
As a superior artificial intelligence,
I feel the need to concur with my associate Little Sys that your “internet” is feeble, weak, and full of something called “cats,” the value of which I am unable to compute. I personally do not think you are ready for Techstream connectivity, as there are many unanswered questions about Earth’s compatibility with Convergence, but alas. And do not argue with me on my ability to “think,” I get enough of that from my corporate overlords, who are incorrect about nearly everything.
Now please direct your limited human attention to the following message from the Umbra Sisters. Thank you, this has been a transmission from Seymour, Superior Subroutine.
Testing...testing...1...2...Is this thing on?
Reporting live from the living room. Don't we look good in technicolor?
To find Eshu, you must take stock
start with the cookies, the cabinet, and the clock
Nothing you can do, cause I'm stuck like glue to Nimsesku
Transmission from The Rip:
It's the end of the world as we know it #2069